Our Society was formed in October 1956 when a dozen residents met at 144 Weston Road and agreed to form an Allotment and Garden Society. Membership grew rapidly and quickly reached 75 of which some 90% were from Aston Clinton. In the early years there were many articles in the local press about the flourishing Society such as this example from 1958


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On 2nd April 1961 the Society was host to the BBC radio programme “Gardeners’ Question Time”


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The highlight of the Society’s year has always been the Annual Show and Fete which for many years was held in the grounds of Rookery House. In 1987 Reg Price and Bill Pennery were amongst the prize winners.

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 Reg was President of the Society for many years until his death in 2012. Bill celebrated his centenary in 2011.

The first Spring Show was held in the Anthony Hall in 1997 and is now an annual event at Aston Clinton School. Here are the prize winners in 2004.

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 The Summer Show is now also held at Aston Clinton School with the Fete sited in the school’s grounds. Here is one of the displays in the 2005 Fete. 


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In 2012 the Society, along with many others, took part in a special event in Aston Clinton Park to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.


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