We’re now into show season, so hopefully you’re sorting some veg out to enter into the Summer Show! My onions have grown this year – the first time in a few years & I think they might be good enough to put into the Village Show, although not sure if I’ve pulled them up early enough? But I do know what to do with them now – dry then out, tidy them up, bend over the stalky bit & tie neatly with raffia and then find some napkin rings to stand them on – sounds simple?!


There are plenty of local shows which you can enter, for you show-aholics, or just go along to & admire the exhibits.

Weston Turville Horticultural Society Annual Show, Saturday 10th August

Aston Clinton Horticultural Society Summer Show, Saturday 17th August, 2pm Aston Clinton School – obviously the one you have to enter!

Bucks County Show, Thursday 29th August

Dagnall Gardeners Society Annual Show, Saturday 31st August, 2.30pm Dagnall Village Hall. We do have contact info – just drop us an email if you’re interested.

Cholesbury cum St Leonards Horticultural Society Annual Show, Saturday 7th September, 2.30pm, Hawridge & Cholesbury C of E School

Amersham Town Show, inaugural show, Sunday 8th September, 12 noon, King George V Playing Field, Amersham

Aylesbury Gardening Society, Annual Produce Show, Saturday 21st September

If you’d like to enter anything in the Aston Clinton Show but are not sure what you need to do, then please contact us & I’m sure we can find someone to help you out.

I have some Florence fennel, which looks rather lush in the garden, so I thought I might enter a couple of those but wasn’t quite sure what I should be doing with them. Fortunately Ralph came to my rescue – I need to trim the foliage to between 70 & 100mm of the bulb, trim the roots and wash in soapy water. Then I need to find a board to put some black velvet on to display them on – I thought this was the easier option – didn’t fancy doing any woodwork to make a stand! Here’s my trial effort - just needs a wash:


There is lots of info on the web about growing vegetables for show – I came across this one, On-line Veg Growing Diary, which has lots of photos of show vegetables, so you should be able to work out what you need to do. Or if you prefer watching videos – have a look at the Horticultural Channel.

Here’s a trial run – onions trying to be shallots….


So, have a look at those show schedules & give it a go this year!

23:03, 07 Aug 2013 by Deleted User