Our first Summer Show took place in Aston Clinton Park, then moved to the grounds of Rookery House and now takes place at Aston Clinton School, always on the third Saturday of August.

The show will allow you to experience the best that local growers can produce. The dahlias and flowers provide a fantastic display of colour, and the vegetables provide quite a spectacle. Our judges enjoy coming to our show because the standard of entries is high and it is fun to judge. The domestic entries are quite mouth-watering and the handicrafts give you an idea of the skills of some of our local residents as do the beautiful flower arrangements. The children’s sections are always interesting, so do look at our schedule and maybe you could encourage children you know to enter our show this year. Refreshments are available in the hall.

Do please attend this year, bringing with you friends and family too.  Please find below the schedule and entry form.

Summer Show Entry form 2024

Summer Show Schedule 2024

Version History



Summer Show Results 2016

Summer Show results 2015

Summer Show Results 2014

Summer Show 2013 Results


Below is a list of the recommended vegetable show varieties. With grateful thanks to Barry Newman for providing the information.

Guide to Vegetable Show Varieties Part 1

Guide to Vegetable Show Varieties Part 2