The ACB&DB Horticultural Society is affiliated to the National Vegetable Society (NVS) & we get 4 free tickets to the local meetings organised by the Bucks District Association of the NVS. Here are details of the next meeting:
Raised Beds – Would they make it easier for you to grow better vegetables?
You can learn how on Tuesday, 28th October at 7.30 p.m. at Pitstone Memorial Hall, Vicarage Road, Pitstone, LU7 9EY.
The talk will be given by BARRY NEWMAN, a former Chairman of the NVS.
Barry is a well-known grower, exhibitor, lecturer and judge. He was formally trained in horticulture at Pershore, York and Bath. He is a member of the Royal Horticultural Society's Fruit, Vegetable and Herb Committee.
NVS Members free.
Non-member guests very welcome at just £3 including refreshments during the interval.
The Bar, with its excellent Club prices, will be open.