UPDATED Monday 21 September 2020
Thanks to everyone that supported the Photographic Showcase Event - the photos were all fabulous!
Photos can be viewed on Flickr - just click here to access.
Planned Date for the Photographic Showcase, Saturday 29 August 2020, 10am - 4pm, St Michael & All Angels Church, Aston Clinton (Subject to COVID restrictions)
Entries to be submitted by Friday 14 August 2020, by email to showcase@astonclintonhorticulturalsociety.co.uk
Or delivered by hand/post to Ken Halls, 10 Thorne Way, Buckland, Aylesbury, HP22 5TL
Details must include, your name, the category(s) you are entering, age for children 16 or under (this is optional), and any description you wish to add to your photo(s). All this information will appear with your photo(s). The maximum size of a photo 7 x 5 inches.
Below are the 14 categories we have chosen for our photographic showcase, together with a PDF copy.
- Life in Lockdown – the image(s) you would like to see preserved for the archives when hopefully COVID-19 is just history.
- Your DIY/handicraft project during Lockdown – time to show off your DIY skills or that project you have finally managed to complete!
- Grow your own – show us your veg and fruit patch/allotment, or photo(s) of your prize specimens! Maybe display them on a plate.
- Kitchen Creations – your cooking sensations e.g. decorated cake for those special occasions, bread baking skills, your children’s’ baking skills, and other culinary delights.
- My Daily Walk – photos taken during your daily exercise, perhaps your walk along the canal, in the park, or just capturing the moment.
- Views of your garden – now many of us have had time to tittivate our gardens, let’s see your favourite borders or flowers, or even weeds!!
- Container display(s) - balcony, patio, hanging basket, table-top, front door.
- My Lockdown Disaster – a project, haircut, cookery that went wrong – don’t be embarrassed, we’ve all been there!
- Wildlife corner in the garden, your wildlife pond or even wildlife you've spotted around the villages.
- Rainbow - 0ur symbol of gratitude to all NHS workers, carers and support services any example – a painting, photo, handicraft, abstract even.
- Pets/Animals – your favourite photo taken during lockdown of your pet(s), or farm animals, or maybe those chickens you have just bought to supply you with eggs!!
- VE Day 75th Anniversary– not quite the celebrations we were hoping for, but show us your images of how you commemorated this special VE Day anniversary.
- Painted stones – send us your photo of stones you have painted or have found around the villages. You know they are out there!
- And finally - Photographer’s choice (for anything that doesn’t fit into any of the other categories).
Entries are open to all ages. Children 16 and under can include their age if they would like to.
Any descriptions of your entries will be displayed with your photographs.
We cannot return photos submitted by hand.
By submitting your entries, you are giving permission for us to publicly display your photos both online and physically. Also, to store the photos in the appropriate archive records.
We reserve the right to remove any photo we deem inappropriate or not falling within the categories specified above.
General Data Protection Regulation
The ACB&DB Horticultural Society has a legal duty to protect any personal information we collect in association with this event.
• We will only use personal information you supply to us for the purpose for which you supplied it
• We will only hold your information for as long as it is necessary to fulfil that purpose
• We will not pass your information to any other parties unless you agreed to that when supplying the information
• All officials who have access to personal information are obliged to respect your confidentiality
• Persons providing information may at any time ask for it to be removed from our records
PDF Version for you to save -
ACB&DB Photographic Showcase Categories
The communities in Aston Clinton, Buckland and Drayton Beauchamp have really pulled together over the last few months & it has been great to see everyone’s photos on the local Facebook sites.
We thought it would be great to put together a showcase of photographs of life in the villages during this time and making this available on-line. We would also like to have an event where we can display the photos for all the community to view. We’re looking to hold this on the August bank holiday weekend at St Michael’s Church Aston Clinton – subject to the church being able to do so! It would also be great to include St Mary’s and All Saints; we are open to ideas of how this could be achieved.
Our plan is to have various categories that people can submit photos for, e.g. Rainbows, my garden during lockdown, my lockdown craft project, my daily walk. We’ll put details out on Social Media and in the various local newsletters. This will be open to members of the Horticultural Society and everyone in the three villages. We’ll then collate these and during August make these available on-line and also at the event.
The Horticultural Society will need some help to make this happen - please let us know if you’d like to get involved by emailing info@astonclintonhorticulturalsociety.co.uk. We’ll keep you all posted on developments and get in contact with everyone once we know what help we need.